計画班のご紹介Members of Planned Research
公募班を確認する櫻井班SAKURAI Group
櫻井 武Takeshi Sakurai
筑波大学医学医療系/国際統合睡眠医科学研究機構Faculty of Medicine/WPI-IIIS, University of Tsukuba
- 研究室ホームページ
- http://sakurai-lab.com
Elucidation of Molecular/Neuroscientific Basis of Motivated Behavior
Wakefulness is likely to play an important role in the maintaining high “will-power”, in combination with the reward system, limbic functions, and systems that regulate mood Orexins are a pair of hypothalamic neuropeptides that orchestrate functions of these systems.
Orexin-producing neurons are shown to be activated when animals face emotionally salient situations, and when they are performing reward seeking behavior.
These neurons are a necessary component of the reward system, and modulate animalsʼ behavior.
We are going to analyze
(ⅰ) how these neurons are activated in response to emotionally-salient cues and contexts
(ⅱ) How the arousal system affects the reward system and modulates animalsʼ behavior
(ⅲ) What kinds of functional alterations are undergoing in animal models of depression and social defeat.
We would also examine the influences of social and environmental factors on these functions, modulating the neuronal mechanisms that are involved in regulating the will power. These studies will allow us to understand the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying the addiction, depression, apathy and adaptive disorders.
尾内班OUCHI Group
尾内 康臣Yasuomi Ouchi
浜松医科台大学・生体機能イメージング研究室Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Department of Biofunctionial imaging
Neuroimaging of will-power
- A. 意志力に関連した分子・神経基盤
- 1. 意志力に関連した分子動態PETや課題fMRI研究
- 2. DTIやrs-fMRIを用いた脳MRIコネクトーム研究
- B. 意志力の障害による現代人の心的病態に関連した分子・神経基盤
- 1. いわゆる現代抑うつ症候群(新型うつ病)を含む気分障害、ひきこもり、アパシー、適応障害、摂食障害などの疾患へのPETとMRI関連技術の応用
- C. 意志力の障害の回復に関連した分子・神経基盤
- 1. 病的状態における障害・回復過程における分子動態の同定
- 2. 機械学習のアプローチによるバイオマーカー探索
Dealing with the current increase of the youth suffering from mood disorders including so-called modern dejection syndrome (new depression), Hikikomori or social withdrawal apathy, adjustment disorders and eating disorder becomes an urgent problem of the social welfare policy of our country.
Such disorders may have a common neurophysiological basis on dysfunction of can-do spirit or motivation. As such, an improvement of vitality and motivation, and the recovery of "will-power" among young people are specifically expected.
Our mission is to elucidate a neural basis of will-power and ill will-power-induced abnormality on mental states using a brain function imaging technology such as PET and MRI.We set the following subtopics.
- A. Molecular and neural bases for will-power
- 1. Molecular changes by PET and task-related fMRI study for will-power
- 2. Brain connectome study using DTI and rs-fMRI
- B. Molecular and neural bases for dysfuctions of will-power and mental states in modern people
- 1. Application of PET and MRI for studies on mood disorders including the so-called modern dejection syndrome (new depression),Hikikomori,apathy and adjustment disorders
- C. Molecular and neural bases for the recovery of will-power decline
- 1. Identification of the molecular changes under the pathological condition and the recovery process of disorder
- 2. An exploration of biomarkers with a machine learning technique
大石 直也Naoya Oishi
京都大学•学際融合教育推進センター•健康長寿社会の総合医療開発ユニットResearch and Educational Unit of Leaders for Integrated Medical System, Center for the Promotion of Interdisciplinary Education and Research, Kyoto University
- 研究室ホームページ
- http://www.lims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/
杉原 玄一Genichi Sugihara
京都大学大学院医学研究科脳病態生理学講座(精神医学)Department of Psychiatry, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
- 研究室ホームページ
- http://www.kuhp.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~psychiat/
植木 美乃Yoshino Ueki
名古屋市立大学大学院医学研究科リハビリテーション医学分野Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Nagoya City University
- 研究室ホームページ
- http://ncu-rehab.jp/