2018/06/18 原著論文 【A01・櫻井班】Monoamines Inhibit GABAergic Neurons in Ventrolateral Preoptic Area That Make Direct Synaptic Connections to Hypothalamic Arousal Neurons.
2018/05/23 原著論文 【A01・Liu班】Large-scale forward genetics screening identifies Trpa1 as a chemosensor for predator odor-evoked innate fear behaviors.
2018/05/16 原著論文 【A03・征矢班】Neural basis for reduced executive performance with hypoxic exercise.
2018/04/01 原著論文 【A03・征矢班】A transferable high-intensity intermittent exercise improves executive performance in association with dorsolateral prefrontal activation in young adults.
2018/01/19 原著論文 【A03・征矢班】Hyper-hippocampal glycogen induced by glycogen loading with exhaustive exercise.
2018/01/17 その他 【A02・加藤班】Hikikomori: experience in Japan and international relevance
2017/11/24 原著論文 【A01・犬束班】Oxytocin–Oxytocin Receptor Systems Facilitate Social Defeat Posture in Male Mice.
2017/11/20 原著論文 【A01・櫻井班】Orexin modulates behavioral fear expression through the locus coeruleus.
2017/11/01 原著論文 【A02・加藤班】Modern-Type Depression as an “Adjustment” Disorder in Japan: The Intersection of Collectivistic Society Encountering an Individualistic Performance-Based System.
2017/10/28 原著論文 【A02・入鹿山班】Effects of the delta opioid receptor agonist KNT-127 on electroencephalographic activity in mice.